Welcome to Mindful For Happy Life

Mindful for Happy Life is a Mindfulness meditation training  which helps you to reduce stress, improve resilience, improves physical health  & mental health We teach you to live in the present moment through mindfulness training for greater well-being and happiness.

What is Mindfulness?
Mindfulness- Finding Peace in a Frantic and Crazy World!

Mindfulness is a mental state attained by focusing one’s awareness completely on the present moment, while evenly acknowledging and accepting feelings, opinions, and bodily sensations. Mindfulness is pervasive – a natural part of being human – that has been cultivated and practiced for about 2600 years in various traditions around the world. We may not always have full control over our lives, but with mindfulness we can work both with our minds and bodies, learning how to live with less anxiety and more appreciation.
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Mindfulness is the capacity of the mind to live in the present moment and knowing what is happening right now, without any judgement or preference”

Why Mindfulness

  • Helps in choosing the life of your choice
  • Better life balance
  • Helps in controlling stress levels
  • Improved health and nutrition
  • Develops positive thoughts
  • Improved decision making
  • Better time management
  • Goal setting

The Effects Of Mindfulness Meditation On Your Brain

  • Meditation Helps Preserve the Aging Brain
  • Meditation Reduces Activity in the Brain’s “Me Center“
  • Its Effects Rival Antidepressants for Depression, Anxiety
  • Just a Few Days of Training Improves Concentration and Attention 
  • Meditation Reduces Anxiety — and Social Anxiety
  • Meditation Can Help with Addiction
  • Short Meditation Breaks Can Help Kids in School

Practical application of Mindfulness

In the last few years, the value of Mindfulness has grown significantly. With mindfulness entering mainstream culture in the form of courses, books, workshops and popular mobile apps, more and more people are interested in learning about this powerful and applicable spiritual practice. Although its popularity has grown progressively, there is still confusion about how to practice it in one’s everyday life.

There are many simple ways where you can be more mindful. Here are a few suggestions on how to practically apply Mindfulness in your daily life.   

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The Science of Mindfulness
Mindfulness is nothing but the awareness of present experience with acceptance. It is a deceptively simple way of relating to the innards of our minds which has been effectively practiced to alleviate psychological suffering and enhance emotional well-being. The Science of Mindfulness shows you certain techniques that can fundamentally transform the mind, the heart, and the Presently the Neurobiologists are learning that mindfulness practices change brain structure and makes it function in a meaningful and desirable way. The mental health professionals have discovered that practicing mindfulness holds great promise not only for own personal development, but also as a powerful tool to virtually augment every custom of psychotherapy.  

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There is no doubt about it that, today we live in a stressful and chaotic world with constant flows of activities, information, and people. We are hounded with external and internal pressures, dazed with information overload, forced to deliver more with less, longer working hours, and have very less personal time for renewal activities. And eventually what will be the result? Self-inflicted attention deficit disorder, depression, exhaustion, reduced health, lack of focus and burnout.

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Causes of stress
Stress is actually a common part of life. Everyone encounters stressful situations on an almost daily basis. For instance, you may feel stress when you go for an interview, take a test or run a race. These kinds of short-term stress are common. Long-term or chronic stress is caused by stressful events or situations that last over a long period of time, like conflicts in your family or problems at workplace. Over time, chronic stress can lead to severe health problems. While some forms of stress, can have a positive effects on our performance too.

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Methods to reduce Stress
Stress is the feeling of being under too much psychological or mental pressure. Excessive stress can seriously derail your health. Whether you’re anxious, stressed or overworked, it’s a pathetic feeling which dampens your productivity, affects the quality of your relationship, and hampers your ability to appreciate the real world. In fact, people who reported being upset by and dwelling on day-to-day stresses were more likely to face chronic health.

Stressed? Whether it’s a cranky boss, crazy deadline or mind-numbing commute, these remedies can help you reduce stress.

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How to live Mindfully
Everybody fall into the habits of attention and inattention of mind and body, which in turn results in us not being present in our own lives. The consequences of this inattention can cost you more. They can result in us missing certain really good things in life. We might also be ignoring some of the very important information and messages about our life, our relationships, and even our own health which needs more attention.

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