Anurudhan Devadas
(Founder, Mindfulness Mentor)

Anurudhan Devadas strongly consider Mindfulness in daily life and framed ‘Mindful for Happy Life’, a Life Management course that focuses on bringing one’s attention to experiences occurring in the present moment. Anurudhan is a Mechanical Engineering graduate and the owner of “IsmartCAD Solutions”, an Engineering Design outsourcing firm. As part of the international projects in his working period at Autodesk,Inc and IsmartCAD Solutions Pvt Ltd, Bangalore, he travelled different countries like Malaysia, Bali and Singapore, attaining excellent exposure of Mindfulness training. Anurudhan is highly trained from International Mindfulness Faculties. His active participation in different community service projects for community services  clubs is the perfect example of his ethical standards and goodwill towards society. With more than 5 years of experience as a Mindfulness Mentor, he conducts training for students, teachers, Engineers, Bankers, job seekers and many more.

Anurudhan had done his MBSR course , a renowned International Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction program and followed different Mindfulness Masters, in particular, Jon Kabat-Zinn,Joseph Goldstein, Jack Kornfield, Thich Nhat Hanh ,Sharon Salzberg,and Ajahn Brahm. He had also got the opportunity to meet His Holiness the Dalai Lama in Bangalore as part of his exploration on Mindfulness meditation and Buddhist psychology .

Anurudhan made headway to the “Mindful for Happy Life” an 8-week Mindfulness based Life skills training with a total of 40 hours. The four modules of this course are Life Management, Stress reduction program, Science of Mindfulness and Happiness program. The course involves 5 hours of training per week and various Mindfulness meditation practices.

In Stress reduction workshops  Anurudhan teaches you How to meditate , 1 minute mindfulness meditation , 3 minute mindfulness meditation to 10 minute meditation .

Mindful team unfolded another program Mindful Hatha Yoga, Integrating mindfulness on yoga workout, thereby providing opportunity and space for the individuals to become more mindful in movement, posture and breath. Mindful Hatha yoga is a formal meditation practice consisting of gentle stretching, strengthening and balancing exercises, worked out very slowly with moment –to –moment awareness of breathing and sensations that arise as you place your body into various postures. Mindful Hatha yoga helps you to live in the present moment while practicing yoga. The ultimate intention of this course is to develop happiness and peace in the society through secular path.

Mindful for Happy life involves Experienced Mindfulness trainers, Psychologists, Neurologists, Yoga Instructors & Motivational speakers from different areas. For more detailed professional profile and enquiries, please contact us.